Monday 1 November 2021

Joe & Seph's Gourmet Popcorn Sample Review


After a very stressful day of visiting my dad in hospital and then taking my eldest to have her booster jab (she's needle phobic), I've just got home, chucked their dinner on and flaked out on the bed. I'm too tired to eat and to be honest don't really feel up to eating as feeling rather sad about my dad. I've made myself a cuppa and as I'm an emotional eater, I'm craving something sweet. As I'm trying (not very well), to lose a few pounds I don't have chocolate in the house however, I've just remembered that I have a boxful of Joe & Seph's popcorn to review. I'm not often in a 'popcorn' mood as I associate it with the cinema and I wasn't sure if it would hit the 'spot'. Ha the joke is on me - how wrong was I!!!

OMG if you've never tried their popcorn then you are definitely missing out. I was expecting the kind of popcorn you may buy in the supermarket, you know the large bags of mixed sweet and salty (not mentioning any names), the kind that's artificial and where one can lose the odd filling. This is absolutely nothing like that. It is simply melt in the mouth balls of the softest corn that I'm ashamed to say is so moreish I've nearly finished a whole bag writing these 2 paragraphs. 

The kids both want to try some however, I'm afraid there won't be any left by the time I've finished this review. Certainly not of the Toffee Apple & Cinnamon! The combination is absolutely spot on, it has just the right amount of caramel without being sickly sweet and finishes in the mouth with a small burst of cinnamon. 

The company is the brain child of Joe, whom together with the help of his wife and 2 sons started experimenting with recipes in 2010. There are now over 50 flavours to choose from and I can tell you with combinations such as Milk Chocolate Popcorn Bites, Gin & Tonic Popcorn (I have to buy this), Marmite (oooh I'm going to love that one), Cheese on Toast and many more, you're spoilt for choice!

Whilst I am not going to test every single flavour right now (I was lucky enough to be sent a few to test), I can tell you that they won't last long in my household. Something for everyone whether you like savoury or sweet! Containing no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives and for the coeliac in us they're gluten free! Each bag is 80g and each bag is filled to the top (again unlike other brands that often seem just half full).

Once again I've found an alternative to the Christmas stocking chocolate orange. In fact as soon as I've uploaded this, I'm going to place these upstairs in my little present shack for my kids and for my friends (who are all huge foodies and I know they're going to love these). On the back of each packet it states 'If you don't love this popcorn......I'll eat my hats!

You can buy Joe & Sephs Popcorn online at Each standard bag is £4 and here's the thing - I wasn't even sent this popcorn to review, I've just seen the note in the box and it was sent it as a gift due to a last minute cancellation for a press day! However, it's so good I simply can't not recommend it! Oh and if you want other reviews check out the 2034 five star ratings on their website. 

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