Wednesday 13 October 2021

Katherine Daniels Skincare Sample Review


My skin has been very dehydrated recently and there is a sad reason for this, I have been crying - a lot. The stress that goes with being a single mum, bringing up children with special needs and never having time for myself - my son last stayed at his dads over a year and a half ago and well I'm just bloody tired! I never drink enough water (red wine once a week maybe), but recently I've been shedding lots of tears and I can't blame my hormones as I'm past menopause. Of course the first thing to show my stress is my face. I don't have anti-wrinkle injections and whilst, I'm blessed with good genetics it's definitely starting to show. Heck, I don't even have time to look after my plants - see the photo!  However, all is not lost. Skin dehydration is a skin condition not a skin type, and I know with the right products, plenty of water and a kick-ass mum attitude it will improve. The bad news is unless I get it in hand, then those light dehydration lines will eventually turn into deeper lines and there's not much I can do about that! 

Thankfully I was sent the Katherine Daniels range to test, and having put the brand in the paper many years ago, I knew my skin would be thanking me and soon be back to normal. 

I was sent to review the Rehydrating Cream £45 for 50ml, the Daily DNA Defence SPF30 £50 for 50ml and the Rehydrating Concentrate £55 for 45ml.

I will go through each product but here's a photo of the key ingredients.

The Rehydrating Concentrate comes in a dropper bottle, my favourite type of packaging for serums for 2 reasons. The product is protected from sunlight in it's opaque glass and the pipette ensures the correct amount can be used. Key ingredients include:-

Hyaluronic Acid - holds water to the skin by up to 1000 times in it's weight. One of the greatest ingredients used in skincare to plump up the skin and help retain moisture.

Seaweed Extract - anti-ageing, helps improve elasticity and has a high level of vitamin B so excellent for skin inflammation. 

Mushroom Extract - excellent source of ergothioneine and glutathione, both anti-oxidants that can help from damage caused by the sun and pollution. Also helps to reduce skin sensitivity and manage flare ups. 

Chamomile Extract - known to be soothing, healing and ideal if you suffer from acne or hormonally imbalanced skin. 

You can see for yourself just how it has worked wonders on my skin. Dehydration is easily detected by pinching the skin on the back of your hands. A healthy, hydrated skin should ping back, as you can see from the first photo, my skin has lost it's elasticity and has more lines than a pair of corduroy trousers (a sentimental phase my ex once told me). 

You can see here here the difference is incredible - instantly smoothed and hydrated.

Next to test was the Rehydrating Cream - again here are some of the ingredients:-

Sunflower Seed Oil - calming, soothing and often used as a carrier oil in skin products as it doesn't clog the pores. 

Coconut Oil - incredibly nourishing, excellent for helping reduce acne and skin inflammation. 

Sweet Almond Oil - helps protect skin from UV damage caused by the sun. 

Jojoba Seed Oil -  a healing oil, ideal for eczema and psoriasis. 

Hydrolyzed Linseed Extract - contains an abundance of essential fatty acids and Omega 3s, so really improves skin health, especially if suffering from dry skin, dehydrated, flaky skin. 

Anadenanthera Colubrina Bark Extract - a plant widely used for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Again you can see the amazing difference of the before and after from my skin.

Last to review was the Daily DNA Defence - SPF30. Now if anyone ever asked me the most important product of a beauty regime, I have always said SPF. Simply as the sun is the biggest cause of aging. From testing this product I can see why it's won the Editor's Choice at the Beauty Shortlist Awards 2021. Many SPFs on the face can be thick and clog pores, they feel like and often do take forever to sink into the skin. This one doesn't. The formula is light, non-greasy and melted into my skin without leaving any greasy residue. Not only does it protect both the UVA & UVB rays but it also has Blue Light and Pollution protection. This may not mean much to the average consumer, but this is where you get your lines from. Ingredients include:-

You can see here the product gives just a light, healthy glow. 

Titanium Dioxide - helps protect the skin by working as a UV filter, blocking the suns harmful rays.

Magnesium Sulfate - helps reduce skin inflammation and dry up excess oil.

Tocopheryl Acetate - a type of organic vitamin E that helps protect the skin from cell damage, caused by air pollution. 

Plankton Extract - very high in fatty acids and so aids the skin in retaining moisture. 

The whole range has a superb quantity and quality of ingredients that aids good skin health. For more products and information visit

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