Friday 15 October 2021

COSRX Ultimate Moisturizing Honey Overnight Mask Sample Review


It's been a while since I reviewed a Korean brand, and as often the trendsetting in beauty and skincare, I was looking forward to testing this mask. Founded in 2013 COSRX (cosmetics and prescription), is now widely used across US and Southeast Asia and one of the most successful in skincare brands having won several awards. Luckily us Brits are now able to source this skincare brand over here. 

I was sent the Ultimate Moisturizing Honey Overnight Mask to test that retails at £24 from Boots.

A quick look at the ingredients before testing shows that the highest ingredient in quantity is Propolis Extract. This is the 'material' made by bees and in skincare is known for being healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. It's also incredibly soothing and nourishing and so will treat a variety of skin conditions and skin types. The mask also contains Butylene Glycol - this helps skin retain moisture; Arganine, an amino acid that encourages smoother, tighter skin (helps diminish wrinkles); Sodium Hyaluronate, another ingredient that helps bind moisture to the skin, in turn decreasing flakiness and dry patches; Beeswax, incredibly nourishing and soothing and lastly one that gets a mention is Adenosine, an ingredient that helps significantly reduce the signs of aging and encourages cell renewal and skin smoothness. 

Now whilst this advertised as an overnight mask on the box, I actually tested it during the day. In my opinion, it should be used at night as our skin sees better results often with serums and masks overnight, as this is when the body relaxes and the cells renew themselves. However, being the busy bee (pun intended) I am, I tested it on the school run. Also the press release did say it can be used as a day mask or simply as a primer to give a glow. I can see why as the clear gel saved me any strange looks, as you can see it simply disappears into the skin, which also means not having to wash the pillows the next morning. The gel felt cool to the touch, not tacky and after a few hours on my skin was left feeling smooth and looking refreshed.  

Obviously I haven't had a full month to test this product, something I like to do with products in order to see the real benefits however, I was very impressed with the ingredients, quality and that the mask has lots of other active ingredients besides the Propolis Extract. I also invite you to look at their website and the fantastic reviews from customers. 

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