Tuesday 28 September 2021

L'Occitane En Provence Serum-In-Cream Sample Review


There is no greater giveaway for age than the hands. When I haven't seen an acquaintance in ages, and think wow 'she looks amazing' for her age, the biggest giveaway is her hands. I can tell when someone has had anti-wrinkle injections, simply by looking at their hands. So when I go to the gym and find myself looking at the amount of line-free faces, I do have a glance down at their hands - I'm not going to lie, it makes me feel a little more human. After all whether you love it or not, many of us cannot afford the price tag every 6 months . 

My hands are especially 'weathered'. I walk my dog daily, have to clear leaves off my driveway daily, clean my car weekly and as a single mum I don't have time to take care of myself, and my hands suffer. Once in a blue moon I treat myself to gel nails, and yes I pick them off (usually whilst waiting to get my son on the school run). Oh and I lift weights without gym gloves, never wear gloves for washing up and I will admit and hold my hands up (pardon the pun), I clean the work surfaces with bleach!
Before application

I was delighted when L'Occitane sent me their new Serum-In Cream Hand Cream to review. I have kept it in my car and I've been applying a little each day. The product primarily has two main ingredients. Nourishing Shea Butter but also, and I found this very fascinating 'Immortelle Flower', also known as Helichrysum Italicum, a flower that never dies and maintains its 'golden hue' after it's been picked. The oil that is extracted from this flower has been studied in depth by L'Occitane laboratory and it's topical benefits are a reason why it's in a lot of their products. Not only does it increase density but research has shown it to be more effective than Vitamin E in protecting the skin from free radicals and pollution. It's also anti-inflammatory and is known as one of the most healing plants on our planet, as aids skin healing from burns, wounds and rashes. (I will write more on this wonderous plant in my next review). Also included is Shea Butter an ingredient that helps lock in moisture, soothes dry and inflammed skin and nourishes nail beds to encourage a healthy nail growth. 
After application - what a difference!

The product also contains nourishing Sunflower Seed Oil and Hibiscus Extract to encourage cell renewal, The hand cream is packed with ingredients to help aid recovery for dry, chapped hands. It's ideal not just for busy mums like myself, but brilliant for hairdressers, mechanics in fact anyone who needs to replenish and rescue their hands and restore them to normality. It is a must-have for when the weather gets cold as will relieve of any chapping and irritation.

Upon testing, I loved two things about this product. It sinks in immediately and doesn't leave my hands feeling greasy. This is good as usually hand cream ends up on my phone, through my hair in fact everywhere but my hands! I also like the scent, it's a subtle unisex scent of camphor and an aromatic almost woody fragrance. I'm still fascinated by the Immortelle Flower, and would urge you to look up the website herewith for more information. I'm even more excited that I have this flower (also known as Curry Plant) growing in abundance in my garden and didn't realise! Anyway the hand cream retails at £24 for 75ml and you can buy it here www.uk.loccitane.com

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