Monday 3 October 2016

Essex County Council, Adult Community Learning (ACL) Training Courses to get you working within the Beauty/Hair/Massage Industry

A few weeks ago I had a conversation with my daughter who is 13 on what she would like to do when she leaves school. Her answer didn't surprise me considering my areas of writing, as she enthusiastically gave me her reasons on why she wanted to be a Beauty and Massage Therapist (although she wrinkled her nose when mentioning waxing).  Her reasons, bearing in mind she is just 13 were very well justified. She wants to 'make people feel better, paint nails' and this one I'll remember 'she likes giving massages'. 

However, I then took a deeper look into just why so many people are turning their careers into this area of interest and came up with a few of my own reasons.

  • It's a skill that anyone can learn at any given time.
  • You can work around your own hours.
  • There are salons crying out for good therapists.
  • You can build regularly on improving and learning new services.
  • It's a skill that will serve well for school leavers, mums and dads at home and the retired.
  • It's a great way to see the world, whilst using your skills on cruise ships, spas and hotels. 
  • Most importantly, it's one area that technology will never be able to replace. People will always need that intimacy of hands on touch. 

So when Claire Barclay, Curriculum Coordinator of the Adult Community Learning (ACL), Essex County Council contacted me, to invite me to the opening of the new beauty and hairdressing training rooms, I was very excited.  Firstly this would be the first time that the ACL were offering courses in Level 2 and 3 beauty, Level 2 and 3 hairdressing, Level 3 and 4 sports massage plus a whole host of complimentary therapies. Secondly, and this is great news for all those on benefits, if you qualify it’s a fully funded course meaning you will pay zero!

So let's start with the Level 2 and 3 beauty. Here you will taught about the basics of makeup, facials, waxing, Indian head massage, manicure, full body massage, eye treatments, pedicure, tanning, sports massage, stone therapy, aromatherapy and reflexology. 

The courses run for a year and fit around the school hours, making this a perfect opportunity for any mums to get back into work.  There is no option for on-line learning, something I totally agree with, as this kind of industry demands on-hand technique!

All the tutoring is done by top beauty tutors in the brand new beauty rooms, with massage beds and using well-known products such as Dermalogica.  Also worth noting, the classes are set to a maximum of between 10-14, ensuring that all students are given full attention to their work.

As with all the courses if you are new to training then a short ‘Step Into’ session is offered, to make sure you are pointed in the right direction and give you the best advice on what path you should take.  Whilst a GCSE in English and Math is not essential, as the course demands many theory assessments you may be advised to start with a Level 1, which focuses on a more ‘play and make-up’ route.

If being a budding hairdresser or indeed a barber takes your fancy, then the ACL also offer Level 2 and 3 courses, again fitting around school hours and again suitable for anyone wishing to re-start a career. 

All aspects of hairdressing are covered in these levels from the basics of cutting, blow-drying, reception, colouring to more in-depth colour correction, perming and specialist areas such as bridal and hair up. 

Hairdressing practicals take place in front of brand new workstations in a relaxed, airy environment and again, as with the beauty the courses boast the best tutors in Essex.

I was incredibly impressed not only with what is on offer, but the attention to detail given to every aspect of the course and the layout of the beauty and hairdressing rooms themselves.

For prices and more general information, or to see if you can qualify for government funding, you can contact the ACL by the following:-

Tel: 0345 603 7635

Just what's on offer
A glimpse of the new workstations

L-R Lesley Smith - Curriculum Coordinator, Coral Dodd - Tutor,  Jenny Deall - Tutor, Claire Barclay - Curriculum Coorindator 


Jenny Deall one of the course tutors, giving me a shape and polish 
One excited girl getting the perfect braids from hairdresser Tania Shurlock
Hair tutor  Nisa Brown giving one lucky gentlemen a cut.

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