Friday 12 August 2022

GEOMAG™ Natural Glow In The Dark Magnetic Rods RRP £34.99


It's not often that I review toys, games etc however, often I often come across ones that are too good to not share especially when they cover the spectrum of 'Lifestyle', which I've always written about. 

Geomag™ are a magnetic construction company, and as on the box founded in 1998 and made in Switzerland. This particular set comprises of 20 'glow in the dark' plastic, magnetic rods, 20 metal spheres and 2 'platforms' to hold your designs. The plastic used is 100% recycled, and the company proudly hold a STEM.ORG Certified™ certification.

So why the fascination with reviewing this product? Firstly, whilst I'm a huge advocate of educational toys - and this most certainly is. I've also have first hand experience with autism and can certainly see how these could help with the imagination, whilst proving incredibly calming. Magnets are often used to help not only teach those with special needs, but also in preventing 'meltdowns' by giving a focus. In fact you will often find that both SEN teachers and Occupational Health often have magnets as tools to help children learn about shapes, feelings etc, as they can be easily constructed to suit a subject matter.

Children whether they have special needs or not often respond better to learning by pictures and practical examples. Not only can you build and learn shapes, but you can also use the rods to create animals, people, objects etc. It's incredibly fun, so fun that when I got them out my friend's son didn't want to put them away (he's 13) and it took him away from his PC game (quite an achievement in itself)!

However, not just for children or teens - I know of some people who keep them in their office, simply as a 'fidget toy' during stressful situations to help calm, or to simply wind down after work. They can be used as problem solvers, mathematical solvers as well as for imaginative play. Easily transportable so ideal for car journeys, and just to have a break as above from the computer screen!  They also look good on a nice glass coffee table, a waiting room, a reception area the list is endless.

Of course they also have the added benefit that they're 'glow in the dark' and so come evening, your shape will illuminate in a dark room. This makes bedtimes more exciting for those who refuse to go to bed, and for the insomniacs like me (menopausal) they're great to help wind down for some 'shut eye'. 

All in all this gets my absolute thumbs up - if it were Christmas I would be putting it as the Number 1 spot for my gift guide.

This set is fully compatible with other Geomag™ magnets, so you can build up your collection and go as big as you want to! You can purchase here at

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